We had big plans to go to the flea market today, but it was totally rained out. We spent part of the day antiquing indoors at a couple of antique malls, and I found a small Japanese pose doll with a dog that looks kind of like Roo. The rest of the day was spent at home with the Ruby Roo herself, surfing the internet, napping, and just generally being lazy because of the rain. Do you get like that too when it rains? I just want to do *nothing*. I didn't even pull out the art supplies all day. Hopefully tomorrow it will be sunny, and I'll feel more motivated. I get "creative guilt" when I don't do something creative every day, and it seems like the more days that pass not drawing/painting/etc., the harder it is to start.
The good news is that I have been working on my big zine book project thing the last few days, editing and adding, rearranging pages, etc. AND there is another flea market on Monday, so hopefully that one will not get rained out too!
Rain makes me want to stay in and lounge too. It's OK ya know to take a little down time : ) - but I get what you mean about taking too much time away from drawing and painting. I have to work on getting through that bit of anxiety to start. Your picture of Ruby Roo is just so adorable! I hope Monday's hunt is more productive. Have a great rest of the weekend.