Tiger Bag!
Here is a sweet tiger bag I made for my awesome friend Steph:

Look! It's a personalized tag! I'm really proud of this little tag and pocket, because this bag is only about the 10th thing I've ever sewn in life. I just got my first sewing machine a few months ago and have been pretty frightened of it until lately. I think I've almost *conquered* it! Or, at least, my fears of it.

Okay, please excuse the fact that these photos were taken super quickly with no regards to lighting (or ironing!)...

Sweet! The lining doubles as an extra little pocket on the front! I know my sewing is still a bit rickety, but I'm proud of this bag - it's the first thing I've made for someone else (besides me or the dog haha).

Look! It's a personalized tag! I'm really proud of this little tag and pocket, because this bag is only about the 10th thing I've ever sewn in life. I just got my first sewing machine a few months ago and have been pretty frightened of it until lately. I think I've almost *conquered* it! Or, at least, my fears of it.

Okay, please excuse the fact that these photos were taken super quickly with no regards to lighting (or ironing!)...

Sweet! The lining doubles as an extra little pocket on the front! I know my sewing is still a bit rickety, but I'm proud of this bag - it's the first thing I've made for someone else (besides me or the dog haha).

Great work! Love the tag! So detailed. Hooray for sewing girls!